Jay Cousins
I Make Ideas Real.
I do this by:
Inventing Products and Bringing them to international markets.
Creating Spaces and Events where Experimentation, Innovation, and Sharing are actively encouraged. So that New Ideas may emerge.
I Consult on what affects the Flow of Ideas within Innovation Ecosystems and Organisations, and Mentor Start Ups and Individuals to Achieve their Full Potential.
Telling Stories that allow for New Ideas to be better understood through Science Fiction, and Provocative Presentations.
You should contact me if you need someone to:
Facilitate the creation of Spaces and Events, where Ideas and Knowledge Flow and Grow.
Analyse and Catalyse the Flow of Ideas within your Organisation or Innovation Ecosystem
Help Shape and Clarify your Ideas to the core concept and help you communicate it clearly - be it a blockchain business, a new start up or your corporate DNA.
Want to understand how you or your company's Story could contribute to a better future.
Provide you with Inspiration, Creativity and New Ideas quickly through Idea Sprints.
Mentor and nurture individuals and start ups to bring out the best of their abilities.