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Spaces where Ideas Flow 

Some call them Makerspaces, others Hackerspaces, Labs, Fab Labs, Hubs or Innovation Spaces, will depend on your culture and context. 

I like to think of them as spaces where ideas flow. Between people, through people, growing and becoming real. 

Get in touch if you want help creating a space where ideas flow.

Spaces i've been involved with

Open Design City (Co-Founder)
A space for sharing skills, knowledge, tools, ideas in Berlin
icecairo (Community Catalyst)
A space for innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship in Cairo, Egypt

icealex (Community Catalyst)
A space for innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship in Alexandria, Egypt

Yarl IT Hub (Hub Design Advice)
Supporting IT and entrepreneurship in Jaffna, Sri Lanka

CeBeta (Community Catalyst, Chaordination)
Pop Up Co-working and makerspace at CeBit Tradeshow/Technology Conference

Connecting Spaces
Hub-in-a-box (Idea Originator)
Makerplatz event (Chaordinator) (Photo's here)

Knowledge sharing
Re:publica GIG 
GIZ/Afrilabs, Namibia
GIZ/Afrilabs, Kenya
Open Source South Sudan
UN conference, Sri Lanka

Reflections on Makerspaces
On Mushrooms and Makerspaces
3 Lenses for Space Creation


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