Jay Cousins
The Chaordic Catalyst (Chaordinator)
I provide just enough order for people to be comfortable with engaging with chaos.
I find clarity of expectations - a clear beginning, a clear end and clear constraints are the most critical requirements to ensure a successful outcome.
Some people are used to, and most comfortable within a clear structure and role. They require structures in order to be empowered to explore. Objects, Tools and Rituals to manage and encourage their social engagements.
Others live so free the very idea of structure is a foreign idea. They have no conceit of calendars, and timetables. There is only the Kairic moment. The point at which something is mean to happen.
I have worked with both ends of this spectrum. I've had suited government officials screaming and going mad together. I've worked on islands where goats ate the agenda and the very concept of a timetable was a foreign concept.
At one end light structures ease people into the process, at the other a story of possibility is enough. The key is that all get just enough of what they need in order to thrive and engage.
In each I've enabled people to co-create wonderful and beautiful outcomes, and often I've been surprised by the unexpected happenings that emerge when you leave room for the unknown.
I've enabled Individuals, Events, Spaces and Ecosystems using the same core ideas.
Tell stories that people can see themselves as a part of.
Everyone has something to contribute.
Create the circumstances where people can contribute to the best of their ability and with ease
Get out of the way (and where necessary get others out of the way).
Don't curate or gate keep (except with respect to keeping the space safe for all (eg. no nazis, no sexual exploitation))
Show people that you can see the greatness in them, encourage them to share it with others.
Don't be too helpful (it fosters dependence/centralisation)
Phrases of great power - "I dont know" "Try it" (in self organised co-created events there is still an urge for authority, to put someone in charge. These phrases serve to place responsibility back on the person, or someone else).
photo credits: Left pic from 1st Makerlab, Pedro Pineda, Right Makerplatz sign hack, Kay Strasser